Sunday, September 13, 2009

Marissa's Birthday Party

Yesterday, we went to Marissa's 4th Birthday party. She isn't your typical 4 year old. Not at all. She is 4 going on 40! Her birthday party needed to reflect that too! The girl is IN LOVE with a NASCAR driver who in fact, I would say is even older than myself. She just had to have a Dale Jr. Birthday party. No lie!!!

Marissa is so girly. She is always in a dress. ALWAYS! Marissa is in folklorico dancing. And she goes to pre-school. She also started violin lessons this past summer. Such a girl! But she acts a lot older that she is. But not in a bad way. She is a good big sister to her younger sisters. Marissa is definitely a hoot though!

We got to the party, and she was in her frilly pink dress. Ready to have some fun! The party was all too cute. Pink balloons everywhere! But as prevalent as the pink balloons and cute #4's were, there were tons of #88 balloons and these little NASCAR cars. Ya, she has a HUGE love for NASCAR. To the point, she left us to go change into her race outfit and watch the race. Until her "boyfriend" wrecked. hehe

But the party was a blast! Her parents both played in a mariachi group years ago. My primo Gabe, actually played in the group with them. And when they left the group, Lola took Sals place in the group. David still plays from time to time. But most of their very close friends still play mariachi. After we ate, which was amazing! Mems cooked all the food. Real authentic comida! All of these musicians played. Played and sang mariachi. For hours! It was so much fun. Because that is the music that I grew up around.

There was a pinata. 2 actually. 1 was of Dale Jr. But that is just for Marissa to look at. Sals told me that Marissa is planning on putting it in her room. Um, next to her life size posters of him? I guess. The other was a #88 car. That's the one that the kids got to bust open. And was it loaded! It made me wish that I was a kid. Or an adult that wasn't afraid to fall over because of my ever expanding belly! There was so much good candy. And wait for!

We stayed very late. So late that Eva fell asleep. That was after hours and hours of dancing to the music. All the little kids danced around. We got to listen to the group play and Lola sing. This was one of my favorite kid parties ever! The food was amazing, the entertainment was incredible, the food was so yummy! In fact, I'm thinking about the big slice of birthday cake that is on our counter! :) ♥Anna Marie♥

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